
Rich Wagner, President Dunwoody College of Technology- The value of an education in the trades

What Minnesota institution of higher learning has the highest ROI (return on investment) on tuition dollars spent relative to earning???

Dunwoody College of Technology has been turning out highly productive workers since 1914 and according to several metrics, has the best return on investment for your educational dollar. President Rich Wagner talks about the innovations, initiatives and programs their students are having wild success in being a part of for their post high school training. He also talks about the opportunities and the challenges in providing a robust, well-trained workforce in 2022 as well as touching on some of the things people say about learners that are unproductive. Rich is a smart, committed educator and innovator who has some very talented staff implementing programs to be inclusive of a changing population and Dunwoody is wanting the graduates to be reflective of the community.

I invite you to listen to this fast-paced interview with someone committed to making productive graduates.

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