Lesley Wyman’s day job is with Eastern Carver County School District, she specifically works at The Integrated Arts Academy in the district building. What we got to talk about on this episode was about an ad-hoc, grass roots, start up that came about during the early days of Covid-19 pandemic for the purpose of providing a platform for various service groups, faith communities and governmental initiatives to communicate with each other to determine how to cooperate in meeting the needs of our local Carver County community. Lesley leads the bi-weekly Zoom meeting and helps get the requests in front of the people and groups that can address these needs quickly and without barriers. My involvement with this group is on behalf of the Chaska Rotary Club and there are several other local service clubs doing fantastic work. I invite to listen to hear how your friends and neighbors are stepping up to help. Also, if so inclined, feel free to reach out to Lesley to get involved.
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