
Khai Tran; Executive Director of the Community Foundation for Carver County among other hats

Khai Tran is a busy man. (Especially for a guy who is supposedly retired.) He is the Executive Director of the Community Foundation for Carver County. He is also the founder and board chair for A Better Society organization. Khai helps explain what a Community Foundation does and what it makes sense for charitable giving and what types of opportunities are available for citizens to give to things they care about in a efficient and effective manner. We also had a chance to discuss his organization he and his crazy talented wife Heather started called A Better Society to help individuals and small endeavors become effective right out of the gate by being organizationally solid. If that wasn’t enough, Khai shared some startling statistics about housing needs in our county. There’s a tendency given our obvious affluence, that we shouldn’t have any housing issues and that is a mistake that will cost us all in the long and near run. Khai is a thoughtful, talented, and committed guy and I hope you enjoy our conversation notwithstanding my tech challenges today. (5G my @#%)

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